The thyroid gland is located in the front of the neck and is responsible primarily for the control of energy production. It is also responsible for maintaining body temperature, helps to regulate growth and affects brain chemistry. Two types of thyroid conditions are relatively common and very treatable. They are:

(Hypothyroidism) – an underactive thyroid whose symptoms include weakness, cold hand and feet, fatigue, low body temperature, dry skin, loss of appetite, slow pulse, low blood pressure and menstrual irregularities. 90 percent cases of hypothyroidism are due to an autoimmune disorder called Hashimoto’s disease, in which the immune system attacks and destroys thyroid gland tissue. Patients with hypothyroidism also suffer from a long list of musculoskeletal complaints, such as carpal tunnel syndrome, autoimmune joint diseases (arthritis or joint degeneration), poor recovery from muscle injury, inflammation, headaches, back pain caused by obesity, and other issues that lead them to seek the care of a chiropractor.

(Hyperthyroidism) – an overactive thyroid whose symptoms include increased appetite, weight loss, restlessness, increased heart rate, palpitations, increased sweating, shakiness and double vision.

Our chiropractors don’t treat the diagnosis of hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism, they treat the whole person by helping return a physiological dysfunction back to more normal function. This helps improve the nervous system and other biochemical and physiological systems as a whole. Our doctors are trained in differential diagnosis, the process in which the presenting problem is examined in terms of underlying causes and related health issues. Although thyroid conditions cannot be cured, they are certainly very manageable.

In all cases, our doctors provide guidance in a healthy lifestyle which includes sound nutrition, a good diet and exercise. The goal is not to cure or treat the condition of thyroidism  but instead, tame or put into remission the condition with dietary and lifestyle adjustments. These changes can greatly improve function and quality of life. More importantly, they can prevent future autoimmune diseases from developing. Lifestyle, nutrition, and diet are areas of extreme importance for patients suffering from either Hypothyroidism or Hyperthyroidism.